Thank you for stopping by our site. Our ultimate wish is that this site becomes a place of shared information, ideas, and brotherhood. That it becomes OUR site. A site for Fireman in Alaska. We want to know how you deal with the day to day issues that have to be dealt with on the Alaskan fire ground. Weather , lack of building codes, non-existent mutual aide are all some of the various issues that are common in Alaska. We want to hear how you have adaptive to these issues by sharing your ideas, thoughts and techniques. As big as Alaska is the fire service community within it is small and isolated in areas due to distance. This makes sharing information tough if you do not have a means. This should get better over time if people are active and use this site.
We at Frozen Leather felt that there was a serious need for a training network in Alaska. One that was available to all members to participate in. After trying to ascertain the viability of something like this we knew we were on to something. The feedback and support that we have received has been astoundingly positive. This forum is the first step to help bring all the members of the Alaskan Fire Service together in an effort to better serve our communities. The Alaska Fire Service members need to take the second step and be active and participate on this site. We want conversations on how you operate and train to be sparked. New ideas to be born and tested in hopes of becoming more efficient on the fire ground. Take what the text books have taught you and then seek your own answers based on real events and training and share them.
Training from around the state will be posted on here. A large amount of training is not very well attended due too a lack of communication, not because of a lack of desire to attend. Not all local department training is open to everyone. However, just knowing what a department did for a specific training can provide you with a lot of information. Props that were built , outlines with materials that were covered and the ability to find out some of the challenges faced and ideas to fix them can only make your training both better and potentially more realistic.
This site is open for all fire service members to post to. If you have something that you wish to share please contact us. We would love to look at it and get it online. If you have pictures of a training or technique being performed on the fire ground even better. We will take articles on all topics ranging from Fire History to Tactics to Product evaluation.Please remember that short and simple seems to work best.
Stay warm and safe,
Frozen Leather
You can make up for a lack of calls through training. You can never make up for a lack of training on calls.
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