Monday, November 22, 2010

Dedicated to the Job: By Ben Simonds, As posted in the Alaska State Fire Marshals Fire Flyer

  Dedicated to the Job                       
  Benjamin Simonds, Great FOOLS of Fire
Welcome to the very First Fraternal order of Leatherheads Society article here in the Fire flyer. First off on behalf of the FOOLS chapters Alaska wide we would like to thank Fire Marshal Dave Tyler for inviting us to take up a “corner”. We look forward to being able to keep you informed of what the FOOLS chapters around the state are up to and how we are trying to improve the Alaska Fire service through training and brotherhood. That being said, not all chapters were able to be contacted and information gathered on their current events. Future articles will allow for enough time to do this. This month’s “corner” will allow us to share some information on who the FOOLS are and what we are trying to accomplish. 
The FOOLS, like the traditional leather helmet, has always existed throughout the brotherhood of the Fire Service. We are about preserving the tradition and heritage of the fire service and taking care of our brother and sister firefighters. FOOLS members are about taking care of their communities and those that are a part of them. They help raise money for firefighters in need around the state, St Baldricks and for many other causes that benefit our brothers and sisters or communities. 
FOOLS believe in Pride: In our departments, in our stations, in our apparatus, and pride in ourselves. We continually strive to make ourselves and those around us better, and provide a higher level of service to our communities. The FOOLS believe in providing and attending realistic training. It is our duty to be as well trained as we possibly can.  We owe it to ourselves, our brothers and sisters, their families, and to the citizens we protect. You can always make up for lack of calls with training. You can never make up for a lack of training on calls. 
Many in the fire service know of Chief Croker and his quotes. One that you often see is “The moment when a man becomes a fireman his greatest act of bravery has been accomplished. Everything after that is all in the line of work.” It is the rest of the quote that I think is worth noting. I would like to share and discuss how it relates to the Alaska FOOLS chapters. “Firefighters do not regard themselves as heroes because they do what the business requires.” Our business requires us to be well trained and battle ready. One of the goals of the FOOLS is to help ensure WE are prepared for business. 
Currently there are 9 FOOLS chapters spread around the state.
Far Out FOOLS (Unalaska), Farthest North FOOLS (Fairbanks) Arctic Circle FOOLS (Red Dog Mine), Copper FOOLS (Cordova), Anchorage Area FOOLS (Anchorage), Great FOOLS of Fire (Central Kenai Peninsula), Hardrock FOOLS (Juneau), Snowtown FOOLS (Valdez), Soggy FOOLS (Sitka). While each is unique in their location and members the mission remains the same. To leave the fire service better than when we found it by hard work, determination and a commitment to training. 
For the past several years the FOOLS have been large supporters of the ASFA Conference by stepping up and instructing both lecture and hands on classes. I would guess that over 80% of the instructors at this year’s conference alone were FOOLS members from various chapters. The FOOLS chapters in Alaska have made great strides to prove to the Alaskan Fire Service that we are a worthy resource for quality training. We want to continue to work towards a positive image that departments are proud to be associated with and can support. 
Currently multiple chapters in Alaska have either started or are already providing an outreach program. The goal of this program is to bring qualified and dedicated instructors to departments that are in need of general or specific fire training. The Great FOOLS of Fire have had their program in place for 2 years now. Their first training provided was a two day set of classes in October of 2008 for the McKinley Village Volunteer Fire Department. McKinley village is about 400 miles from the Kenai Peninsula, yet members of GFOF were eager to travel and instruct to this department. First teaching with whatever equipment the sponsoring department had, the chapter now has an enclosed trailer that is continually being equipped with tools and equipment donated by various organizations, fire departments, and vendors. The trailer is able to carry props and equipment to a department that has requested training. This equipment allows the sponsoring department to keep a majority of their tools and rigs in service. It also allows for more hands on time by having additional tools available to the students. This makes their valuable time more productive. Not all departments are able to afford props yet they are expected to perform the same necessary job functions of any other department without the ability to train for them. Props are owned and maintained by the chapter. Instructional time is normally donated. A donation maybe asked to cover for the cost of travel and a place to stay depending on the circumstances. Many times fellow firefighters give up a spot on the floor or couch to provide a place to stay. 
We are not out to make money, we are out to help train the Alaska Fire Service and learn a few things ourselves along the way. Chapters fundraise individually to help support their goals. These include flying and paying for outside instructors to come to Alaska, building props and to support other various firefighter events. The FOOLS are always looking for tools and equipment that are willing to be donated and can be used in future trainings.
The outreach program allows us to meet and build relationships and foster brotherhood with departments that are sometimes, due to location, often left out. These new relationships allow us to have communication with them and allows us to invite them to training in our area. Some of these departments can barely afford to put fuel in their apparatus let alone pay to send members to out of district training. This means they may have to pay their own expenses if they are interested in furthering their knowledge or skill set.  We all deserve to receive quality training. Maybe your department already has an excellent training program and does not need any help. However, for those in need the FOOLS want to help. We cannot guarantee we will be able to assist in every instance. We have departments and families that we are dedicated too as well. I will tell you we will try our hardest to make it work though. For those that ask what makes us experts I say we are not. We are the ones though that are willing to step up to the plate and instruct when and where there is a need. We are continually growing and learning. Knowledge is Power, but only if shared. We are always looking for help in various ways. Even if you have no interest in being a member of an organization like this, but have a passion to instruct, or have a trade that would help in some other form please contact your local area FOOLS chapter.
Many chapters post upcoming training on their websites or Facebook pages. The Great FOOLS of Fire and Anchorage Area FOOLS are sponsoring a one day class in Soldotna on January 8th covering Thermal imagining camera use and room oriented searches. They are also looking to host a 2 day HOT conference this coming spring. Farthest North FOOLS have taught a majority of their local departments the 8hr mayday class. This is the same class that has been taught at the state conference for the past 3 years. FNF has also been providing RIT, Truck company ops, and forcible entry classes in Fairbanks. Snowtown has been doing RIT and assisting brothers in need. At FOOLS night out during the state fire conference $2000 was raised for a firefighter out of the Fairbanks area with cancer. Members from all the chapters came together at conference to help raise this money at the spur of the moment.  A few weeks’ later members from across the state traveled to support our brothers in Anchorage in their time of need with the passing of Andy Mullen. We are always available to spread the brotherhood and train anyone that needs or wants it. 
Thoughts and ideas are always welcome as long as they are constructive or positive. We are still in our infancy stage and are growing in a very positive way each day. We wish to continue on this path and to be a guiding light for those that are dedicated to training in the State of Alaska. If you need help contacting the FOOLS chapter in your area please feel free to either email me or to look them up on the web at
Take Care and be Safe,
Benjamin Simonds,  
Great FOOLS of Fire
Central Emergency Services
Soldotna, Alaska
Remember being a firefighter is more than just having a sticker in your window. It means you are willing to do what is necessary when the time comes. Are you ready for business? Can you remember all the channels on TV but not the location of the tools on the truck or how to use them? Are you a dedicated firefighter? Or do you just own the tee shirt? You decide. Someday your life or others may depend on your answer.

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